In Wednesday, 22 November 2000, Francesco Coco chatted with his fans in the Sportal Italy chatroom at The response for this chat invitation was absolutely fun as his fans flooded the chatroom with questions of curiosities for the Milan player. He was also enthusiastic answering the questions. According to him this is the first time chatting with his fans so he had a lot of fun.


For those who missed the chat and want to know what Coco had to say, here is some part of the transcript (not all included) in Italian and its English translation, which was taken from the official AC Milan website in


Come ti senti quando i tifosi urlano il tuo nome?


            How do you feel when the fans call out your name?


Con quale donna usciresti a cena?
Con Jennifer Lopez

            With which girl do you want to have a dinner date with?

            Jennifer Lopez.


Si, l'hanno inaugurato un mese fa a Catania (a casa mia) e adesso dovrebbero farmene uno a Gallipoli in Puglia


            Do you have your own fun (fan) club?

Yes, it was established a month ago in Catania (my hometown) and now another one is coming on the way in Gallipolli, Puglia.


Ciao Coco......come stai? Dgt dal Brasile. Sono una tifosissima del Milan.Chi e il tuo idolo nel calcio?
L'idolo assoluto è Maradona


Ciao, Coco. How are you! I am from Brazil. I am a big fan of Milan. Who is your idol in football?

My absolute idol is Maradona.


Con quali dei calciatori del Milan vai più d'accordo?


            With which players of Milan do you go along with?

            Abbiati, José Mari, Shevchenko, Ambrosini, and “Ringhio” (Gattuso).

Cosa faresti se non fossi diventato calciatore?
Viaggiatore in autostop

            What would you do if you weren’t a footballer?

            A hitchhiker.


Qual è il posto più bello del mondo per Coco?
Puertorico (molto caliente)


            Which place is the most beautiful in the world for Coco?

            Puerto Rico.


Un tuo difetto calcistico?
La continuità di rendimento, però penso di averla superata


            What is your flaw in your playing style?

            I keep on yielding, but I think of having to overcome it.



Dovessi comprare un giocatore x il MILAN, chi suggeriresti?


            If you have to buy a player for Milan, who do you reckon it should be?



Durante la partita ti sistemi sempre i capelli perchè ti danno fastidio o perchè sei vanitoso?
E' un vezzo che mi viene naturale. Secondo te?


During a game you always tidy up your hair… is it because you’re a neat person or is it just vanity?

It’s a habit that comes naturally for me. What do you think?


Ki porteresti nel Milan dei tuoi ex compagni in U21?


Who would you like to have in Milan from your ex-teammates in the Under 21?



Cosa ne pensi delle donne che giocano a calcio?
Non ne ho mai conosciuta una. Però penso che sia una bella cosa perchè è un bellissimo gioco


            What do you think about women who play football?

I don’t know any of them. But I think it’s a beautiful thing because it is a beautiful game.


Sei un tipo geloso?
Da buon siciliano si, ma non possessivo


            Are you the jealous type?

            Yes, but not possessive.


Rivaldo o Beckham?
Victoria e Rivaldo!


            Rivaldo or Beckham?

            Victoria and Rivaldo!


Chi di voi del Milan ha più successo con le ragazze?
Io e altri due o tre


            Who, amongst you in Milan, is the most liked by the girls?

            Me, and one or two others.

Vivi da solo a Milano?
Vivo da solo ma non a Milano

            Do you live alone in Milan?

            I live alone but not in Milan.

Pensi di arrivare ai Mondiali?
E’ la cosa che voglio più di ogni altra...

            Do you think to come in the World Cup?

            It’s what I want more than anything else.


Translations by Nadia.

Minute editing by Erin.


Click here to read the full transcript in Italian.